If you’re like most businesses, your Business Phone System is a critical part of your operations. You need to make sure that your phone system can handle all of the calls coming in and going…
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Why a PBX is Still Important in Today’s Modern World
It may seem rational that in today’s digital world old technology is useless. However, when it concerns PBX telephony that is not the case. Here is why you should consider incorporating a PBX (Private Branch…
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How Robust is SIP Trunk Security Against Cyber Attacks?
SIP Trunking works by connecting your phone system to the internet via VoIP. Because of this, it also inherits some of the same security risks associated with using the internet. Your calls are potentially vulnerable…
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How Does SIP Trunking Work with a PBX Business Phone System?
In order for a business to function, it is imperative that you have the right telecommunications. There’s a lot of different options on the market, but one of the most common is a PBX Business…
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